Sunday, 28 June 2009

Shopping Sunday...

Bad times for my bank balance and my guilt today. Boredom found me wandering the pages of a terrible land known as ebay. Worse still it found me seeing pictures of clothes I liked and then in some kind of daze I was bidding on such items. I won them and my wardrobe is already asking how it could possibly fit more things in. We shall see. Anyway, this is what I have bought...this lace dress and also this dress. It is payday in a few days time plus they are bargains (if they fit and I like them) else I could re-sell. I will update you on what they're like when they arrive!

Apparently the UK is in for a heatwave this week with temperatures up to 30 degrees celcius. Time to get out of the office, ditch the housework and head outdoors. Cue outdoor inspired imagery...

This dress I found on etsy is gorgeous...were it not for my spending already, I'd be tempted to get it myself!

Image from Getty Images.


  1. Lovely dress! And amazing polyvores!

  2. I want to be stood in that last picture.. heaven!

  3. Wow i love that etsy dress. Why does the weather have to be so good when i'm stuck in work! x

  4. Love the Etsy dress. It won't let me see the Ebay ones you bought though. :-(
    Here's to a great week of sun!

  5. aww well i think some primarks stock different things so maybe that's why :( love the polyvore sets btw <3

  6. Your blog is cute..never been on it before! hahah i went a little crazy on ebay yesterday also..ended up winning 5 auctions! I get a little to into it when I want something..ebay is waaay too addictive!

    lily x

  7. hello,first time i come across your blog i'm gonna visit it now, i invite you to check out my inspirations if you have some time, and you will enjoy :)
    a bientot !
    Boubouteatime xx

  8. I love those looks. Mmm, these make me wish I could be outside today!




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